Criminal Processing

Processing Criminals

Business Problem

Legacy system not flexible enough to meet demands of new legislation

Large volume and complex processing

The day-to-day influx of criminal records (i.e. arrests, custody records, registrations, etc.) is a large and complex data processing and storage task for the State of California.

Changes mandated by legislation

Changes in legislation and new user demands put a strain on the ability of the existing system to respond in a timely manner.

Distribute workload

It was essential to distribute the many tasks involved with criminal record processing to a new application for improved performance, modularity and user access.


Criminal Processor

The Criminal Processor was developed in order to off-load much of the mainframe processing of criminal records to a smaller, more flexible system.

Scalable and Maintainable Platform

The Criminal Processor provides a scalable and maintainable platform to move forward with changes and easily deployed enhancements to the current system.

Workflow Engine

The Criminal Processor is primarily a workflow engine that directs the processing and output flow of incoming criminal transaction types.

Error Resolution

The Criminal Processor also provides a user interface for error resolution as well as an easily searchable database.


  • Upgradable, scalable system that is independent of mainframe processing.
  • Offers more flexibility for creating modifications and enhancements to the process workflow.
  • Provides an easy to use user interface for access to records and process status
  • With improved error resolution capabilities, the time needed for corrections to records is reduced and costs are lowered.

What clients are saying...

CloverLeaf staff took the time to fully understand our business needs, and to translate those needs into a tool that more than met our expectations. The Criminal Processor has proven to be completely reliable with virtually no down time.

— Darren Frame, Administrator

Project Name

Criminal Processor

Project Scope

Software Development

  • Business Process Analysis
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Build
  • Unit Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

Project Management

  • Planning & Design
  • Scheduling
  • Execution
  • Change Management
  • Resource Tracking

Systems Integration

  • Web Services
  • Cross-Platform


CloverLeaf's CLETS Gateway is used for Criminal History queries and updates.